The longer version of this story is how some Yakima Fire friends called and asked if I could come visit and take some new shift photos for them. As always I was like “sure”. Well from my previous post you might have seen I over estimated my ability to hit some Spokane area stations in the same day. This caused a shit-ton (scientific term) of driving all to end with me getting to Yakima with about a half hour of daylight to make the photos happen.
B-Shift was awesome and we got all their photos in before the Winter sun disappeared at something like 4:30. Being super hospitable they fed me Meatzza for dinner and gave me a room to crash in. They even took me on an Aid call to Walmart.
Next morning C-Shift came on and we got some more fun photos. In addition to firefighters, I also got to meet their Fire Chief and get some Staff photos.
On my way out of town I stopped at Station 2 “The Lodge” and got that crew with a few past members rotating in for photos as well.
Thanks Yakima!
If you want to see all our Yakima Fire photos, please visit this address: